Damage spell.
Game Data
Basic light magic attack. Absorb a portion of inflicted damage as HP.
Might | Attributes | Cost | Cooldown |
Small | Light Magic: Inflicts light magic damage on the opponent. Heal: Recovers the user's or an ally's HP. | 10 | 10s |
Nosferatu can be obtained from the following sources:
Known at base for Annette, Arval, Ashe, Balthus, Bernadetta, Byleth, Caspar, Catherine, Claude, Constance, Dedue, Dimitri, Dorothea, Edelgard, Felix, Ferdinand, Flayn, Gatekeeper, Hapi, Hilda, Holst, Hubert, Ignatz, Ingrid, Jeralt, Jeritza, Leonie, Linhardt, Lorenz, Lysithea, Manuela, Marianne, Mercedes, Monica, Petra, Raphael, Rhea, Rodrigue, Seteth, Shamir, Shez, Sothis, Sylvain, Yuri
This page was made based on data that is available in the Three Hopes demo. It will be updated after the full game comes out.