Warriors: Three HopesWarriors: Three Hopes

Hunter's Volley

Bow combat art.

Game Data

Attack enemies launched into the air with three consecutive shots. Often yields critical hits.

Effective vs Fliers:
Effective against fliers.
High critical hit rate.


Hunter's Volley can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Sniper mastery level 3 for Annette, Arval, Ashe, Balthus, Bernadetta, Byleth, Caspar, Catherine, Claude, Constance, Dedue, Dimitri, Dorothea, Edelgard, Felix, Ferdinand, Flayn, Gatekeeper, Hapi, Hilda, Holst, Hubert, Ignatz, Ingrid, Jeralt, Jeritza, Leonie, Linhardt, Lorenz, Lysithea, Manuela, Marianne, Mercedes, Monica, Petra, Raphael, Rhea, Rodrigue, Seteth, Shamir, Shez, Sothis, Sylvain, Yuri

Warriors: Three HopesWarriors: Three Hopes