Sword combat art.
Game Data
Strike swiftly with a trio of slashes.
Might | Attributes | Cost | Cooldown |
Small | Effective vs Fliers: Effective against fliers. | 10 | 10s |
Grounder can be obtained from the following sources:
Known at base for Annette, Arval, Ashe, Byleth, Caspar, Claude, Edelgard, Ferdinand, Flayn, Gatekeeper, Hilda, Ignatz, Linhardt, Lysithea, Monica, Shez, Sothis, Yuri
Myrmidon mastery level 3 for Balthus, Bernadetta, Catherine, Constance, Dedue, Dimitri, Dorothea, Felix, Hapi, Holst, Hubert, Ingrid, Jeralt, Jeritza, Leonie, Lorenz, Manuela, Marianne, Mercedes, Petra, Raphael, Rhea, Rodrigue, Seteth, Shamir, Sylvain